Account Manager: Jeff Singer

Architecture Firm: Burkett Design

Client Profile: This Germany-based multinational conglomerate consists of 670 companies worldwide. Thyssen Krupp (TK) produces steel as well as components and systems for elevators, escalators, material trading and the automotive industry.

Deliverables: 90,000 square feet, 3 floors, 275 workstations.

Design Challenge: Thyssen Krupp has been a Teammates client for over a decade. We’d completed other floors in this same building, so we knew their style well. For this particular level, TK wanted something similar to the Teknion Leverage model, but needed to meet the demands of a greatly reduced furniture budget.

Teammates Solution: RSI Echo series was ideal. The cosmetic differences between the products were manageable, and the warranty was the same. So even with a lower budget the client received a similar product and a low-risk investment.